Inyong Choi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Inyong Choi CV

Research focus
Dr. Inyong Choi and the Human Auditory Neuroscience Group conduct two parallel research programs: 1) A basic auditory-cognition research line that investigates neural mechanisms normal hearing listeners use to understand speech-in-background noise and 2) a more clinical line of research where we try to identify neural markers and treatment options that will improve speech-in-noise processing by individuals with impaired hearing systems.

Courses taught

  • CSD 3113 Introduction to Hearing Science
  • CSD 6230 Psychoacoustics
  • CSD 5253 Speech Perception in Listeners with Hearing Loss
  • CSD 5511 Introduction to Doctoral Research

Selected publications / active grants

Selected papers:

Active grants:

  • Identifying the Sources of Degraded Speech-in-Noise Understanding and Individualized Therapeutic Options, DoD-HRRP Focused Applied Research Grant W81XWH-19-1-0637
    Funded by Department of Defense. Award amount: ($1,362,586.00) Percent effort: 20. Investigator/s Inyong Choi (Principal Investigator).
  • Iowa Cochlear Implant Clinical Research Center VII Project 3: Central Auditory Integration and Plasticity, P50 DC000242
    Funded by NIH-NIDCD. Percent effort: 15. Investigator/s Bruce Gantz (Principal Investigator), Timothy Griffiths (Principal Investigator), Inyong Choi (Co-Investigator).
  • Iowa Cochlear Implant Clinical Research Center VII Project 4: Cognitive Mechanisms of Language Processing, P50 DC000242
    Funded by NIH-NIDCD. Percent effort: 5. Investigator/s Bob McMurray (Principal Investigator), Inyong Choi (Co-Investigator).
  • Human Auditory Cortex Physiology, R01 DC004290
    Funded by NIH-NIDCD. Percent effort: 15. Investigator/s Matthew Howard (Principal Investigator), Inyong Choi (Co-Investigator).
Research areas
  • Audiology and Hearing Science
Inyong Choi
Contact Information

125-A Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center (SHC)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States