Elizabeth Walker, Ph.D., CCC-A/SLP
Research focus
My research investigates how limited access to sound affects the development of children with hearing loss. To do this, we examine the consistency of auditory-linguistic input for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. We theorize that individual differences in linguistic representations and processing are the result of variations in exposure to spoken language. Thus, inconsistent auditory access may result in inefficient processing and poorer outcomes in children with hearing loss. Our lab uses diverse measures to assess children’s abilities, including standardized tests of language and cognition, dynamic learning tasks, clinical audiologic measures, questionnaires, and dual-task paradigms. The long-term goal of our research is to inform and improve the evidence-based care that audiologists and speech-language pathologists provide to children with hearing loss.
Courses taught
- CSD 6292 0002 Advanced Rehabilitative Audiology
- CSD 4244 0001 Rehabilitative Audiology
- CSD 5255 0001 Educational Audiology
- CSD: 6538 Seminar: Hearing Science
- CSD 5310 0001 Scientific Writing
Selected publications / active grants
- Heinrichs-Graham, E., Walker, E. A., Eastman, J. A., Frenzel, M. R., McCreery, R. W. Amount of hearing aid use impacts neural oscillatory dynamics underlying verbal working memory processing for children with hearing loss. Ear and Hearing. Accepted/In Press 2021
- Sapp, C., Stirn, J., O'Hollearn, T., Walker, E. A. Expanding the role of educational audiologists after a failed newborn hearing screening: a quality improvement study. American Journal of Audiology. Accepted/In Press 2021
- McCreery, R. W., Walker, E. A. Variation in auditory experience affects language and executive function skills in children who are hard of hearing. Ear and Hearing. Accepted/In Press 2021
- Sapp, C., Walker, E. (2020). Timeliness of EHDI Benchmarks in Infants with a History of Lengthy NICU Stay. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention.
- Walker, E. A., Sapp, C., Dallapiazza, M., Spratford, M., Oleson, J., McCreery, R. W. (2020). Language and Reading Outcomes in Fourth Grade Children with Mild Hearing Loss Compared to Age-matched Hearing Peers. Language, Speech, Hearing Services in Schools, 51(1), 17-28.
Funded Projects
- Jul 2021 - Jun 2026. Factors associated with Reading Comprehension in Adolescents who are Hard of Hearing. Funded by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Elizabeth Walker (Principal Investigator).
- Aug 2020 - Jul 2025. Developing evidence-based clinical tools for managing mild hearing loss in children R01DC018330. Funded by NIH-NIDCD. Ryan McCreery (Principal Investigator), Elizabeth Walker (Co-Investigator).
- Aug 2019 - Jul 2024. Complex Listening Skills in School-Age Children who are Hard of Hearing. Funded by NIH-NIDCD. Ryan McCreery (Principal Investigator), Elizabeth Walker (Co-Investigator).
- Audiology and Hearing Science