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Eric Hunter, Ph.D., M.S., B.S.
Department Executive Officer
Harriet B. and Harold S. Brady Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Eric Hunter is the Chairperson/DEO of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Iowa, as well as Harriet B. and Harold S. Brady Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences. His main research interests are occupational voice use, signal processing, biomechanics of speech articulators and biomechanical models of the vocal system, and muscle mechanics and muscle models.

Nancy Almasi, SLP.D., CCC-SLP
Visiting Assistant Professor
Clinical Supervisor, Speech-Language Pathology
Nancy Almasi is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests include providing evaluation and treatment for children with speech and language disorders including early intervention services.

Ishan Bhatt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ishan Bhatt is an Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. His main interest is to identify the confluence of genetic and non-genetic risk factors influencing complex hearing disorders. His research program aims to create audiogenomic tools that can be used by healthcare providers to identify susceptible individuals well before they acquire permanent hearing health problems and to design individualized prevention and intervention strategies.

Jennifer Brodell, M.A., CCC-SLP
Clinical Assistant Professor
Jennifer Brodell is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests are pediatric speech and language disorders, autism, and interprofessional practice.

Karen Bryant, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Clinical Associate Professor
Karen Bryant is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests are clinical supervision, dysphagia and, neurogenic speech disorders.

Kellsie Busho, Au.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Audiology
Kellsie Busho is a Clinical assistant professor and audiologists who mainly works with graduate students for the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department. Her areas of interest are patients across the lifespan for diagnostic services, hearing aids, and follow-up services. She is the coordinator of University of Iowa Sound Awareness for Everyone (UISAFE).

Jacqueline Carder, Au.D., CCC-A
Clinical Assistant Professor
Jacqueline Carder is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests include clinical instruction of audiology graduate students, educational audiology topics, and the social and emotional well-being of individuals with hearing loss.

Inyong Choi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Inyong Choi is an Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. His main interests are basic auditory-cognition research that investigates neural mechanisms normal hearing listeners use to understand speech-in-background noise and a more clinical line of research identifying neural markers and treatment options that will improve speech-in-noise processing by individuals with impaired hearing.

Sharice Clough, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Sharice Clough is an adjunct assistant professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest is characterizing multimodal language abilities (e.g., spoken language, gesture, eye gaze, facial expression) in adults with acquired brain injury, utilizing contextualized and interactive tasks that reflect the cognitive and social demands of everyday life.

Philip Combiths, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor
Philip Combiths is an Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. His main interest is the diversity of language and multilingual language acquisition to better understand developmental speech and language impairments and to provide better clinical services to all individuals with communication disorders, including those within minoritized and understudied groups, through linguistically informed assessment and intervention tools and approaches.

Krista Davidson, M.S., CCC-SLP
Clinical Professor
Krista Davidson is a Clinical Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest is augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) across the lifespan.

Stephanie Fleckenstein, Au.D., CCC-A
Clinical Associate Professor
Director of Clinical Programs, Audiology
Stephanie a Clinical Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests are hearing aids and aural rehabilitation, with a special interest in pediatric amplification.

Meaghan Foody, M.S., CCC-SLP
Clinical Assistant Professor
Meaghan Foody is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests are early literacy and language development and aural rehabilitation across the lifespan.

Shawn Goodman, Ph.D., CCC-A
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
Director of PhD Studies
Shawn Goodman is an Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. His main interests are auditory physiology, neuroscience, acoustics, and mechanics of the peripheral auditory system and how to apply that understanding in clinically useful ways.

Kristi Hendrickson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor
Kristi Hendrickson is Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest focuses on how listeners and readers recognize spoken and written words, how they attach words to meaning, and how they use words earlier in a sentence to predict upcoming words. She and her research staff examine this process in a range of populations (children and adults, individuals with hearing loss, dual language learners).

Eun Kyung (Julie) Jeon, Ph.D., CCC-A
Clinical Assistant Professor
Eun Kyung (Julie) Jeon is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests include electrophysiology, aural rehabilitation with hearing aids and cochlear implants, tinnitus, and auditory processing disorders.

Mili Kuruvilla-Dugdale, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Mili Kuruvilla-Dugdale is an Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest is to identify articulatory motor performance in neurodegenerative diseases, with the goal of developing more sensitive speech assessments.

Alison Lemke, M.A., M.P.A., CCC-SLP
Visiting Assistant Professor
Clinical Associate Professor
Alison Lemke is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests are adult acquired neurogenic communication disorders, especially aphasia and cognitive-communication challenges, and best practices for clinical education and supervision.

Stewart McCauley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Stewart McCauley is an Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. His main interest is cognitive mechanisms involved in language development, and in particular on how variation in these mechanisms shape differences in outcome (in both typically developing individuals and those with developmental language disorder).

Bob McMurray, Ph.D.
Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences
Bob McMurray is a Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences. His main interest is on-line spoken word recognition and speech perception in typical adults and in people with language impairment and cochlear implants.

Jacob Michaelson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Jacob Michaelson is an Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychiatry.

Louise Pinkerton, M.M., M.A., CCC-SLP
Clinical Assistant Professor
Louise Pinkerton is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest is voice and upper airway disorders across the lifespan, including singing and performance voice; Gender affirming/transgender services; and voice perception and training perceptual skills.

Naomi Rodgers, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor
Naomi Rodgers is an Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest is developmental stuttering with a particular focus on the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of stuttering experiences and therapy.

Kelly Schmidt Clay, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Instruction
Director of AuD Studies
Coordinator of 4th-year Outplacements
Kelly Schmidt Clay is the Director of AuD Studies, Coordinator of 4th-year Outplacements, and Associate Professor of Instruction in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interests are Clinical Audiology, Medical Audiology, and Adult Aural Rehabilitation.

Laura Schmitt, M.S., CCC-SLP
Clinical Assistant Professor
Laura Schmitt is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main area of expertise are neurogenic communication disorders, with a focus in aphasia and cognitive-communication deficits.

Anu Subramanian, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Clinical Professor
Director of Clinical Programs, Speech-Language Pathology
Anu Subramanian is the Director of Clinical Programs in Speech-Language Pathology and a Clinical Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest is clinical education in speech and language disorders in preschool children and fluency disorders across the lifespan.

Hayo Terband, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Hayo Terband is Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. His main research interest is speech-language acquisition in normal and disordered development. More specifically, how do phonological and sensorimotor impairments relate to underlying deficits and adaptive strategies, and how do these express themselves in symptomatology?

Rich Tyler, Ph.D., CCC-A
Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Professor, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Rich Tyler is Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department and in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Iowa. His main interests are audiovisual speech perception by the hearing impaired, rehabilitation, tinnitus, and use of hearing aids and cochlear implants.

Elizabeth Walker, Ph.D., CCC-A/SLP
Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean's Scholar
Elizabeth Walker is Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. Her main interest is better understanding how limited access to sound affects the development of children with hearing loss.

Yu-Hsiang Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
F. Wendell Miller Professor
Yu-Hsiang Wu is Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Iowa. His main interest is to improve hearing aid outcomes for older adults by identifying factors that facilitate or prevent hearing success.