
  • Currently enrolled SLP PhD students at any stage of their doctoral education. Eligible students should apply only for one scholarship each year.

  • Past recipients are eligible for scholarships other than the one(s) they previously received.

  • For the Tomblin scholarship, only students specializing in child language are eligible.


Use the Apply Now button at the bottom of the page to fill out the application form and upload your cover letter and biographical sketch.

  • Cover Letter (limit 1 page)

    • Provide a cover letter addressed to the "Scholarship Review Committee." Explain briefly why you are pursuing a PhD in your area of study, your long- and short-term goals, and how the scholarship of interest will support your career development and research plans. As appropriate, include information about your educational and research activities to date. Indicate how the UI CSD department will help support your efforts.

    • The cover letter should be 11-point font with ½-inch margins and single line spacing.

  • NIH Biographical Sketch (limit 1 page)

    • Provide an NIH-style biographical sketch (non-fellowship). The form for a non-fellowship biosketch is available on the NIH website (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch). Adapt the form as appropriate for your investigator profile.
    • Follow the formatting guidelines here: https://grants.nih.gov/grants. Per NIH format instructions, the biosketch can be 11-point font with ½-inch margins and single line spacing.
    • In the biosketch, include the following sections: Education/Training, Personal Statement, Positions and Honors, and Contributions to Science. Scholastic performance should not be included.

      A. Personal statement justifies why you are well-suited to the scholarship award you are applying for in terms of your training, experience, and planned future research. At the end of section A, you can include research support for which you serve as PI, co-PI, or co-Investigator. Any grant that provided you with financial support but for which you served a role other than PI, co-PI, or co-Investigator should be included in Section B.

      B. Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors lists in reverse chronological order all domestic and foreign academic, professional, or institutional appointments. For achievements and honors, you should include scholarships, traineeships, fellowships, and awards (e.g., development, travel, academic) that provided you with financial support but for which you served a role other than PI, co-PI, or co-Investigator (e.g. Research Assistant, Predoctoral Fellow on an Institutional Training Grant), as applicable. You can also include information on any clinical licensures and specialty board certifications achieved.

      C. Contributions to Science explains ONE past, current, and potential contribution to science with any publications, presentations, or research projects in support of the area you specify. For the contribution, indicate the following: (i) the background that frames the scientific problem; (ii) the central finding(s); (iii) the influence or impact of the finding(s) on the progress of science or the application of those finding(s); and (iv) your specific role in the described work.  Figures, tables, or graphics are not allowed.

      • This sample biosketch is representative of a post-comps SLP PhD student applying for a fellowship research grant (F-series): PC_F31_Biosketch_Example.pdf

Evaluation Criteria

A review panel comprised of emeritus faculty will evaluate the applications based on these criteria:

  • Personal Statement: The statement effectively conveys the applicant’s research interest(s), training/skillset, and their short- and long-term goals.
  • Positions and Scientific Appointments: The applicant demonstrates active involvement in regional, national, or international professional contexts. 
  • Honors and Awards: The applicant has been recognized for their academic, clinical, or scientific contributions through scholarships, fellowships, or awards either as key personnel (PI, co-PI, or co-I) or as a significant contributor (Research Assistant or Predoctoral Fellow).
  • Contributions to Science: The applicant’s scientific contribution has the potential to advance the discipline of communication sciences and disorders and to impact theoretical and/or clinical needs relevant to speech-language pathology. 

Scholarship Announcement

Funding decisions will be made by the SLP tenure-track faculty based on scores received from the review panel. Applicants will be notified of the results by July and scholarships will be awarded in August.

The application process for 2024 open.