Bravo to Iowa's Student Academy of Audiology chapter on being named the 2022-23 National Humanitarian Champion. With this honor comes a monetary award to use toward chapter initiatives.
The Iowa group was chosen for their service events for the local community community. As examples, many students performed hearing screenings at Special Olympics Healthy Hearing events in Iowa City and in Ames; hosted free hearing screenings for World Hearing Day open to the public at the University Library; and gave free screenings and presentations for local elementary and preschool students. Other engagements included presentations at local back-to-school events, county fairs, nursing care facilities, pancake breakfasts, and for local high school students interested in STEM.
Across campus, SAA members gave healthy hearing presentations to the College of Dentistry, Department of Music, and the College of Education.
Congratulations SAA members; you are indeed Humanitarian Champs!