Look around the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, and you'll see Hawkeye friends, alumni, colleagues, and former mentors and students seemingly everywhere at the 2023 ASHA convention. This year, CSD is boasting 65 authors associated with UIowa: 41 Posters/Presentations/Seminars/Workshops, 18 Presentations/Seminars/Workshops , and 6 Virtual only presentations/posters.
In addition, five of our faculty will be working diligently on ASHA service endeavors:
Jenny Brodell-STAR (State Advocate for Reimbursement) for state of Iowa (October 2020-current)
Stephanie Fleckenstein – Committee of Ambassadors, Audiology Representative for state of Iowa (November 2020 – November 2023)
Anu Subramanian is Co-Chair for topic ‘Fluency’ for ASHA 2023, and ASHA 2024; Chair of Continuing Education Board; and Member of SIG 11 Coordinating committee
Rich Tyler is on the Auditory Rehabilitation committee
Elizabeth Walker – ASHA Board of Directors, Board member at large in Audiology, Liaison to Committee of Ambassadors (January 2022-December 2023)
Attached is the full list of Iowa CSD authors and poster/presentation locations, organized by date.